
Month: December 2020


Goya Francisco – “Maja Nude”

A young naked woman lies with her hands behind her head and her legs slightly bent on a crumpled bed. On a pale face, framed by curly dark hair, there are huge black eyes, a small, slightly smiling mouth and patches of blush, too bright to be real. The body of this woman does not […]

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Edward Hopper – “11 AM”

Year of painting: 1926. Painting dimensions: no data. Material: canvas. Writing technique: oil. Genre: nude. Style: new realism. Gallery: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, USA.

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Grabar – “September Snow”

“Waking up one morning and looking out the window, I was surprised to see that snow had fallen: the whole garden was covered in snow, the column terrace was covered with snow. The sight of snow with bright yellow foliage was so unexpected and at the same time beautiful that I immediately settled down on […]

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Ingres Dominik – “Turkish Baths”

Ingres’ Turkish Baths summarize all the activities of the master in the nude genre. In this picture, Ingres quotes himself. The girl with the mandolin in the foreground is easily recognizable as “Walpinson’s Bather”, the figure with her arms thrown back on the right refers to “Odalisque and the Slave” (the blue embroidered pillow under […]

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Grabar – “March Snow”

Igor Grabar’s rural landscape “March Snow” depicts a spring, but still winter-cold day in a small village. In the foreground, a young girl is rushing to fetch water, carrying a rocker with two buckets on one shoulder. Despite the fact that it’s March outside, winter is in no hurry to give up positions – the […]

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